Surah Yasin Rumi Pdf Download

Recommend Documents. He was greatly influenced by the Mathnavi of Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullahi Alayhi). Surah Yaseen is the most famous surah. Surah Al-Muzzammil (Chapter 73) from Quran.

Surah Yasin Rumi Pdf Download Pdf

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Surah Yasin Rumi Pdf Download › 〓〓 Surah Yasin Rumi Pdf Download Surah Ya-Seen (pdf) Author: Subject: Al-Qur'an Indo-Pak Style Created Date: 2/12/2008 5:01:23 AM. KANDUNGAN Kelebihan Membaca Surah Yasin iv Adab Membaca Surah Yasin v Kaifiat Membaca Surah Yasin vi Surah Al-Fatihah 1 Surah Yasin 2 Doa Surah Yasin 22 Kaifiat Tahlil 26 Doa Tahlil 34 Doa Selamat 40 Doa Akhir Tahun 42 Doa Awal Tahun 45 Doa Perpisahan 48 Doa Tolak Bala 50 Selawat Tafrijiyah 52 Doa Menjauhi Wabak Penyakit 54 Selawat Al-Fatih 56 Doa Penerang dan Penenang Hati 57 Doa Pelajar 58.

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Yasin, Tahlil, dan Doa merupakan salah satu amaliyah ahl as-sunnah wa al-jama’ah yang beerisi pembacaan al-Qur’an dan rangkaian dzikir serta do’a untuk tujuan sebagai amalan bacaan untuk diri sendiri, ahli keluarga, dan masyarakat untuk acara syukuran, menziarahi orang yang sakaratulmaut, ziarah kubur auliya’, ulama’, orang sholeh, dan muslimin. Rangkaian bacaan yang dibaca untuk disedekahkan pahalanya berisi bacaan surah Yasin, surah pendek, petikan ayat al-Quran, tahlil, zikir dan tasbih, istighfar, shalawat, dan doa. Semua amalan ini merupakan kumpulan amalan terbaik dalam Islam yang memiliki pahala yang sangat besar, tidak terbatas hanya kepada para arwah, tetapi juga kepada pembaca itu sendiri.

Yasin Tahlil yang teermuat merupakan al-Ma’thurat atau sesuai yang diajarkan para ‘ulama’ yang diambil dari inti sari al-Qur’an dan hadits, hal ini penting dalam Islam dan umat Islam untuk dibaca dan diamalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Seyogyanya, umat Islam yang masih hidup tidak melupakan orang yang sudah meninggal dunia supaya mereka juga mendapat manfaat dari pahala yang disedekahkan kepada mereka. PDF Yasin Tahlil ini diharap dapat dimanfaatkan oleh seluruh umat Islam sebagai panduan untuk beramal, bertasbih, berzikir, dan berdoa agar manfaat secara rohani dan jasmani umat Islam dapat tergugah.

Surah Yasin Rumi Pdf Download Free

Maka dari itu, pahala dari amalan yang terbaik ini dapat disedekahkan kepada para arwah yang banyak berjasa baik itu orang tua (ayah/ibu), kakek nenek, saudara, dan umat Islam yang sudah terlebih dahulu pulang ke rahmatullah. Mudah-mudahan dengan kemurahan umat dalam mengamalkan bacaan ini dan mensedekahkan pula kepada para arwah, maka Allah SWT menggerakkan pula generasi selanjutnya untuk mengamalkan yasin tahlil serta memiliki semangat dalam berdzikir.

Download Yasin Tahlil PDF › 〓〓 Surah Yasin Rumi Pdf Download

Surah Ya-Seen (pdf) Author: Subject: Al-Qur'an Indo-Pak Style Created Date: 2/12/2008 5:01:23 AM. Baca surat yasin bahasa arab dan latin dan juga terjemahnya, ada video surah yasin juga! Surat Yasin Baca surat yasin disini. Read surah yasin here. Read surah yaseen here. Surat yasin adalah surat al quran nomor 36 memiliki 83 ayat. Download Surat Yasin PDF Apakah anda membutuhkan surat yasin dalam format pdf?

Surah Yasin Surah Yasin is probably the most frequently read chapter of the Quran, in our country. Numerous benefits are associated with its reading, especially in the mornings or whenever there is any difficult situation; or if someone is critically ill; or just for
barakah. You get invited for reading it in gatherings; like khatam-e-Quran, khatam-e-Yasin (reading it 41 or 71 times in one sitting) is a familiar and popular ritual, believed to be the remedy for all sorts of problems. Rarely does anyone pause to think that Surah Yasin like the rest of the Quran has a message in it for our guidance. Nobody bothers to find out what that message is. Mostly we prefer to treat this magnificent reminder like some magic words which will relieve us of our miseries. Whereas the truth is that if we read this Surah, just once but with proper understanding and apply its wisdom in our lives, it can truly relieve us of our misery of uncertainty and save us from the agony of going round and round in a senseless pursuit of worldly interests. Not only this but it can also help us throw away the burden of accumulated negligence regarding the hereafter, making us feel bright and optimistic about attaining the rewards of paradise. We all want permanent and everlasting success and happiness, but unfortunately we try to find it in this world, where it was not meant to be. The life in this world is only a test and instead of
running after its illusions, the only thing that we need to pursue in this world is the straight path that will lead us to the fulfilment of our desires, in the hereafter, which is when our actual life will begin. That is why Allah has taught us the dua “Ihdinassirat al
mustaqeem” (guide us to the Straight Way) which we read in each and every unit of our five daily prayers. But only praying for guidance is not enough; we need to have a role model to follow in whom we can trust. Therefore Allah sent Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) as a perfect example for us to follow till the end of time. The Quran is the guide book and the life and personality of the Prophet (s.a.w) is the practical application of this guidance. Therefore Allah begins this magnificent Surah with the assurance that if we want success in both the worlds we need to believe and follow our Prophet(s.a.w) who is truly one of the Messengers and is on that straight path of guidance:
{1} 00020003 Ya Seen.
{2} 0007 0007 000e 000f 00100007 00110012001300150014 000e 000f000b0016 I swear by the Quran full of wisdom
{3} 0018 00190007 001a 00130012 001c001b 000e 000f 001d 001c0007 000e001e 001f !0007' Most surely you are one of the messengers
{4} $ 00070015%000b& 0012 '( ) $ 000f000b0013* 0007 +001e0019, On a straight path
Next Allah tells us that this Quran is not just an ordinary thing. Now we might say that of course we know it’s a sacred book of Allah, and so we put it on high shelves, never putting anything on top of it, holding it above newly married couples and reading it when someone dies. We think this is it! We have done our duty by showing this book the proper respect and now we can live our lives according to our own desires and self created standards of goodness. What we don’t want to acknowledge is the fact that The Quran was not meant just to be placed on high shelves, rather it should have been given the highest place on our priority list. We take care not to put anything on top of it but when faced with any situation in life do we stop to consider whether we might be putting our own desires on top of its teachings? Holding it above the bride and bridegroom was never taught to us; it is our self created innovation for which we should seek forgiveness of Allah. But its spiritual protection should certainly be held above us as a refuge from shaitan and as a guide for our entire lifetime. And the way we neglect it in our life and so religiously read it for the dead, it seems as if we have forgotten that it’s a magnificent guide for the living and not just an offering for the dead. Why Allah continues to let us live in spite of our thankless attitude is because He is Al- Raheem: the repeatedly merciful. So He keeps giving us chances to come back to him. But we should not forget that He is also Al-Aziz; The overpowering!
{5} 0007 0007.0013000e000f /0007 00030007/0 000e 000f 1001e 0003000723000b
(This is) a revelation of the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
What is the purpose of the Quran? Why did Allah sent this revelation to the Prophet (s.a.w)? As a warning to a nation whose forefathers were not warned and so they had become heedless (ghafil). Primarily it refers to the people of Makkah to whom no messenger had come after Prophet Ismail (a.s) who was the son of Ibrahim (a.s) Now the teachings of the prophets had gradually been forgotten and although the Arabs called themselves the followers of Ibrahim and Ismail but in reality they had gone far away from the spirit of Islam, replacing Allah’s religion with a few self created rituals and worshipping idols made of wood and clay instead of worshipping the One and only Allah. If we compare it with our own situation, we find that there are amazing similarities of attitude. We also call ourselves Muslims and claim to believe in the Quran and the last Prophet of Allah but in reality there are only a handful of people who actually know what the Prophet’s life was all about and what were his teachings. Similarly there are some people who “read” the Quran but again only a few of them understand its message. We don’t worship Idols of course and believe in one Allah but let’s be honest; Do we really follow Allah’s commands in the way we plan and live our lives? Who are we following or “worshipping”? Our homes, our jobs, money, comfort, our own desires, or our own philosophies of life? As the Prophet (s.a.w) said in a Hadith: “The worst Idol that is worshipped instead of Allah is the desire of the self”
What is the solution? What can bring us out of this ignorance and forgetfulness? What will save us from Allah’s punishment in the hereafter? It is definitely the Quran and nothing else. Not just in bits and pieces but a proper study, verse by verse, word to word. So that we might get in touch with our reality and our purpose of life and most of all we need to get in touch with Allah, our Creator and Sustainer:
{6} 0010001e 700140019001b 001b 001b f000e rz 0003000b0011000b0016 {33} And a sign for them is the dead earth. We have brought it to life and brought forth from it grain, and from it they eat...
Most of us have become so absorbed in the race of materialism that we ignore the numerous blessings of Allah. We take these things for granted although each one of these is a miracle of Allah. Why is Allah telling us about it in the next Ayat? Because when we think about the amazing beauty of Allah’s creation, then it makes us feel aware of Allah’s love and mercy. The heart becomes soft and fills up with awe and admiration for this Supreme Creator who made such fabulous things for us:
00100007 7001b 0001b 000e 000f 001d0012 (0007 5000b> 0007< 5000b!00130012 v001e 0007< 5000b;0019 0 R 0016 {34} And We make therein gardens of palms and grapevines and We make springs to flow forth in it,
{35} 0010001e 0016001b0013 0014 T 0012 0003 5001e00190007 00030007I00030012B001e m001b %0012 0019001e 001c0007 , 5000b(0016 ^0007 00130007 001c 001eg 001d0007( 000f700140019F0014 U 000e0007 That they may eat of the fruit thereof, and their hands did not make it; will they not then be grateful?
What has caused us to be so blind to the beauty of nature? It is mainly because of an ever growing struggle for material gains. Look at the overcrowded streets of over populated cities and see the restlessness in the expressions of people. Their way of talking, their manner of driving, their dealing with each other is like they are in some kind of mad race, in which no one knows where they have come from or where they are headed to........ All this comes to a halt when the day turns into the night, so softly and imperceptibly that we hardly notice it. The whole world seems to be covered by a dark comforting blanket. Isn’t it a miracle in itself? But only if we contemplate.....
{37} 0010001e 7001b001c00190007 '( 001b? 000f001eKw0007;000e000f m001b ;0012 (0007 } 001b 0019001e & 0012 ! 10014 0012 f0019000e000f 0012 >001b f000e rz 0003000b0011000b0016 And a sign for them is the night. We remove from it [the light of] day, so they are [left] in darkness.
Next Allah talks about the Sun and Moon, how each of them orbits in its own path, with its own speed, never deviating from their path, nor obstructing the other. Their obedience is so focused unlike us Human Beings, forever deviating from the right track, interfering into other’s affairs, wasting time and energy on non productive issues:
N0007< 1x F0014 0016 90007 5000b>;000e000f H001b A00075000b001a 10014 0012 f0019000e000f 5001e000e0016 0013 001c 0015001e 000e 000f ~ 90007 I0012 3001b 0010001eB 5000b>000e001e N0007]Z000b;000b0003 0002 001b 001c0012 T000e000f 5001e000e {40} 0010001e 7001b Z000b& 0012 0003 001f $ 0019001e 001b %000b0003_9K0014 5000b;0019 001c . 5!001eB 0012 >001b f000e rz 0003000b0011000b0016 And a sign to them is that We carried their offspring in the laden ship.
And in the middle of that endless expanse of water who can save us from drowning except Allah. But the ungrateful people don’t acknowledge the greatness of Allah and go on living as if they are the masters of their own lives. So if they are reminded that they should fear Allah, they remain totally unmoved:
0010001e 7001b001c. 00130012 3001b 0012 0014 f00190 000e001e 0012 0014 W001e 0019 X 5000b(0016 0012 0014 00030007I00030012001eB 001d 0012 A 5000b( 000f7001400153000f 001b >001b 000e001e 1001e 00078 000f001eK'00070016 {45}
And when it is said to them: Beware of what is before you and what is behind you, so that mercy may be had on you.
{46} 0018 t 0007 00130007 00012 (001b 5000b>;0012 , 000f7001b!5001eF 5f000e'0007 0012 >0007 _A9 { 0007 5000b00030011 001d0012 _( r$ 0003000b0011 001d0012 _( 0007> 00073U 3 5000b(0016 And no sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord except that they are from it turning away.
The main reason for their arrogance is that they don’t believe in the Akhirah. Their mockery is obvious in the way they ask about it:
{48} 0018 80007 q0007 5000b* 0012 %001b;0014F 00100007' I001b ,0012 7 000e 000f 000f001e:? +000b%( 0010001e 70014000e7001400150003000b0016 And they say: When will this threat come to pass, if you are truthful?
But the fact is that the day of judgement will come on its appointed time whether we believe in it or not, whether we fear it and prepare accordingly or prefer to close our eyes to it:
{53} 0010001e 0016001b0013p 0012 (001b 5000b;00030012I f000e bi 0007001cR 0012 ?001b 000f001eKw0007001b R001b 000f000b0016‚0012 B001e0016 0012 ?001b They and their shall be in shades, reclining on raised couches.
{57} 0010001e 7001b,I000b0003 5( 001b>000e001e0016 rz > F0007 5001e< 5000b> 0007< 0012 >001b 000e001e They shall have fruits therein, and they shall have whatever they desire.
Who are these lucky people? Do they live on any other planet, in some other environment, where it’s “easy” to follow Islam? Where there are no temptations? Where there is no shaitan? No they are right here with us but we hardly pay any attention to them. So the believers in spirit and the believers in name, live side by
side. The truthful and the liar might be brothers, living in the same house, the honest and the criminal might be working as colleagues. No one knows where he stands in the sight of Allah. The sincere Momin and the hypocrite might be offering their Salat in the same mosque shoulder to shoulder, But on that day they will no longer be intermingled:
{59} 0010001e 7001b(00130007 v 0012 001c001b 000e 000f 5000b>'0003B001e h 70012 000e 000f 000f0016001b‚5000b%(0012 000f000b0016 [Then He will say], 'But stand apart today, you criminals.
What happens when you point out someone in a gathering, telling him he has done something wrong? The first reaction is shame and it is immediately followed by defensive arguments. But in that world of the hereafter, the criminals will not be allowed to offer any false excuses:
000f7001b!5001eF 5000b001cA0007 0012 >001b 00190014 R001b 90012 B001e I001b > T 0012 3000b0016 0012 >0007 00030007I00030012B001e 5000b;001c001b a0019 001e 3001b0016 0012 >0007 ?0007 000f000b7< B001e +001e0019, 001b %0007s 0012 ! h 70012 000e 000f {65} 0010001e 7001bZ& 0007
0003 On that day We will set a seal upon their mouths, and their hands shall speak to Us, and their feet shall bear witness of what they earned.
Today it might seem impossible that our hands and feet could be speaking against us. But if you think about it, if Allah could teach
our tongues to speak, then how can He not put the same capability in our limbs? After all He is the one who created us, but the sad truth is that we have forgotten the Creator:
{77} 0018 i Z0007'( i 0007YX 7 ?001b 000f001eKw0007

Sura Yasin Dua

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Yasin Rumi

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The Virtues and Benefits of Surah Yasin (36)
1. The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, 'Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Qur'an is Yasin. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people'[Bazzar]. (S.Muhammad Ali Sabuni, Tafsir-al-SabuniVol.2)
2. The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, 'Whoever recites Yasin once Allah will record the reward of reciting the Qur'an ten times.'[Maqal, Tirmidhi 2812/A & Dhahabi]
3. It has been reported by Aisha (radiAllahu anha)that the Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said that there is a surah in the Qur'an that intercedes for itsreciter and forgive its listener. Know! It is Surah Yasin. It is called 'Mu'amma' in the Torah. It was enquired, what is Mu'amma? The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, 'it embraces the person with the goodness of this world and removes the dismay of the Hereafter'[Hashiya of Tafsir Jalalalayn , pg 368].
4. The Prophet said, 'Whoever recited Surah Yasin in the night seeking Allah's pleasure, Allah would forgive him'[Ibn Hibban, Darimi 3283/A, Abu Yala, Tabarani, Baihaqi & Ibn Mardawaih]
5. Ma`qil ibn Yasar (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, his family, companions, andfollowers) said,'Ya Sin is the heart of the Qur'an. No one reads it intending thereby Allah and the Next Abode except that Allah forgives them. Recite it for your deceasedones.' [Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Nasa'i (this wording is his), and Hakim, who deemed it rigorously authenticated (sahih)]
6. Imam Ghazali explained that this is because soundness of faith rests on acknowledging Resurrection and Judgment, and Surat Ya Sin details this in the most emphatic of ways. Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi concurred.
7. Imam Tibi explained in his commentary on Mishkat al-Masabih that Surat Ya Sin was called 'the Heart of the Qur 'an ' because of what it contains of overwhelming proofs, decisive signs, subtle spiritual meanings, eloquent admonition, and stern warnings.